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Application - GMS:2 Line Counter

Hello there! Soo, here i have something a little unusual. A week ago i was on a GameMaker Studio 2 project and i wondered if there was a way to see how many lines of code there are in your project, i assumed there would be one since i saw the info of how many time have you spent in a project, but surprise! there was not, it might seem like a simple thing but i am such a stat sucker, i really wanted to know how many lines there was, and so well, I've made one myself and wanted to share it with you.

It's a very simple application where you can see how many lines of code there are in your GMS2 project, it shows you the ammount of lines you've wrote in your Rooms, Shaders, Objects, Scripts and also the Total of lines there are, it also measures the empty lines and the characters there are.

Here's an example:

It is a really simple tool but quite interesting nonetheless, hopefully it will be of some use for you.

Download (916KB)


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